Friday 5 February 2010

Pitch of Ideas

The story line for our sequence is that there is a group of lads coming home from the pub after a night out. Upon the journey home an unknown killer who follows them picks each of the lads off. Being in a drunken state none of the lads believe what is happening. We will use a variety of shots and the killer will remain anonymous through the use of point of view shots. We will have to film our sequence outside of college time, as it will need to be dark in order to get the effect we want. It will start with the lads walking along a dimly lit path. When each one of them stops to pee in a bush or something of that nature. That is the first person to be killed. The second person splits off to walk in the direction he needs to. And that is him gone. There are two lads left and they go back to look for the guy who stopped for a pee when they find his body in the bushes. Horrified they run and call the police, but when one of them stumbles and falls his time is up. That leaves one of them who managed to escape. The final shot will be the survivor sat on his bed at home crying.
Our sequence will appeal to over 18s who enjoy horror/thriller films. It will hopefully be quite a jumpy sequence which we leave people wanting more.
A lot of our camera shots will be a hand cam in order to give the point of view shots for the killer. We will also be using high and low angles to represent who have power in certain situations. This will be an effective method and will hopefully add depth and atmosphere to the sequence. The combination of camera shots will be linked together using a number of appropriate transitions and effects.
For our soundtrack we may use the pre-recorded samples we have available to us on the IMAC soundtrack program. Or we may record our own composition. We are unsure at the minute on what the rules are on recreating a copywriten piece of music so we will do research into that.
The lighting in our sequence will be low key and dim in order to create an “eerie” mood.
We hope that the combination of all these elements together help to create our idea of a horror/thriller.

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